- e
- E--letter.
- e'kåhat
- Slow; lingering.
- e'kat
- Slow; slacken speed; reduce speed; take it easy.
- e'nging
- Thankless; untrue; ungrateful.
- e-
- Search for (something)--prefix. May be affixed to nouns or modifiers. Primary stres falls on e-.
- ebåba'
- Low; short; extending upward; relatively little; below the normal height; too short.
- ebåba'
- Humble; lowly.
- ebång
- Crooked; curbe; bend; arch.
- ebånghelio
- Gospel.
- ebanghelista
- Evangelist.
- ebidensia
- Evidence; proof; testimony.
- ebita
- Evade; avoid (sin); to turn out of the way.
- echa
- Bless; to give out blessing, as a parent or priest to his child.
- echan
- Match; pit against, especially in determining which cocks will be matched against each other to fight.
- echo
- Completed; finished; action done with regret; an action completed but regretted; used when one referes to an act, the completion of which he regrets.
- echong
- Crooked; curve; bend; erch.
- echongi
- Once in a while; a few times.
- echongña
- Side; part.
- echongñaña
- Be at the side of; to be at ones side.
- echung
- To distract; perplex; confuse; bewilder.
- edda'
- Soil; dirt.
- eddas
- Stage; platform.
- edipok
- Type of fishing--fishing in a water hole in th reef with a fishing line.
- editoriat
- Editorial; leading article.
- editot
- Editor; author; journalist.
- edo
- To light a fire.
- eduka
- Educate; teach; develop and cultivate mentally or morally.
- edukasion
- Education.
- efektibu
- Effective, in operation; active; operative.
- efektos
- Merchandise.
- efi
- F--letter
- egå'ga'
- Get busy; do something about whatever the situation may be. Literally, hunt for animals.
- egå'ga'
- Inspect; overlook; control; search; view; visit.
- egå'ga'
- Seek; try to find; be in quest of.
- egågao
- Beg; live on charity; alms--ask for; ask--as a form of begging.
- egga'
- Watch; observe (as spectator).
- eggeng
- Slant; slope; an inclined plane; lay or tilt on one side.
- egigi
- Type of bird--mycomola cardinalis saffordi. Cardinal honey-eater.
- egoismo
- Egoism; selfishness.
- egues
- Scrape; scour; rub.