- nobenta I unu
- Ninety-one.
- nobia
- noun. sweetheart; girlfriend; lover; loved one; bride.
- nobidåt
- Novelty; news.
- Nobiembre
- November. Also Sumongsong.
- nobilidåt
- noun. nobility; royalty.
- nobiu
- noun. sweetheart; fiancé; groom; bridegroom; suitor; boyfriend.
- nochebuena
- Evening; eve; Christmas eve.
- noches
- Evenging; night, but used only in a phrase, such as buenas noches "good evening" or "good night".
- nokieru
- interjection. An expression of dislike or disapproval.
- nombra
- Command; force; rule; appoint.
- nombrayon
- Eligible; legally qualified.
- nones
- Odd (not even); not divisible by two; not a pair.
- nonnak
- Type of plant--hernandia sonora. Jack-in-the-box tree. Has very soft wood.
- nopble
- Noble; highborn.
- nosa'
- Type of bird--zosterops c. Conspicillata, bridled white-eye (green).
- nosea ki
- Might; in case. Also noseha ki.
- noseha ki
- Might; in case. Also nosea ki.
- noskuåntos
- Several; couple of; few; some; more than two or three (but not many). Also unos kuåntos, los kuåntos.
- nosngos
- Squid; cuttlefish. Decapod cephalopod. Also nosnos.
- nosnos
- Squid; cuttlefish. Decapod cephalopod. Also nosngos.
- nota
- Note; record; set (down) in writing; make a special mention of.
- notifika
- Notify.
- notifikasion
- Notification.
- notisia
- noun. notice; news; message; information; announcement.
- notte
- North.
- nu
- Particle, used to mark non-focus elements of a construction. Usually occurs as ni which is a contracted form of nu plus i. Always occurs as nu when preceding pronouns.
- nu
- Pause particle used to fill space during pause in speaking.
- nubet
- Level (carpenter's)--a device for establishing a horizontal line, vertical line, or diagonal line. Also mubet, nebet.
- nubiyitu
- Young steer; young male ox.
- nubiyu
- Ox; steer--castrated bull.
- nublådu
- Cloudy. Also nupblådu.
- nudu
- A knot; any type of knot including knot on a tree or knot tied with rope. Also ñudu.
- nuebi
- Nine.
- nuebu
- New; modern; strange; unfamiliar; fresh.
- nufo'
- Type of fish--family scorpaenidae. Stone fish; scorpion fish. Highly poisonous if dorsal spines penetrate the skin.
- nufo' påbu
- Type of fish--pterois antennata (family scorpaenidae). Scorpion fish.
- nuhong
- Shady; shaded; shadowy; abounding in shade.
- nuhot
- Stem--coconut leaf; midrib--coconut leaf.
- nukeru
- Expression. Eschew; care for none; want no part of it; dislike; have no desire. Also nokieru.
- nulu
- Null; void.