- pikåra
- Rascal (female); rogue; tricky; jocular; scoundrel; villain. Also pikåru (male).
- pikåru
- noun. a rascal; rogue; tricky fellow; jocular; scoundrel; knave; villain. a sly person.
- pikåtdia
- Villainy; roguery; knavery; villain; mischievous; bad deed; perverse. Also pikåtdiha.
- pikåtdiha
- Villainy; roguery; knavery; villain; mischievous; bad deed; perverse. Also pikåtdia.
- pike
- Pique; type of cloth material.
- piknik
- Picnic.
- piku
- Beak; bill (of a bird, or of some other animal, as a turtle).
- piku
- Pick (tool); hoe.
- piku
- noun. Quantity: Little more; over; a little bit over; plus some small amount.
- pikue
- Type of plant--averrhoa bilimbi.
- pila
- Basin--for holy water by the front door of a church.
- pilapat
- Pile--of grass or wood in preparation for burning or hauling.
- pili'ao
- Welt; weal; wheal.
- piligrina
- Pilgrim (female); wanderer. Also piligrinu (male). Also peregrina.
- piligrinu
- Pilgrim; wanderer. Also piligrina (female). Also peregrinu.
- piligro
- Peril; danger; jeopardy; risky; dangerous; perilous.
- piligrosu
- Dangerous; hazardous; precarious; perilous; risky.
- pilon dulili
- Type of chicken--similar to Plymouth rock. Also boremos.
- pilong
- Great chief; most influential person in a community; champion. (Saipan)
- pilota
- Dumpling--made from flour of fadangå or wheat.
- pilotu
- Pilot; guide.
- pimentos
- Sweet pepper; pimento.
- pimienta
- Pepper; Spanish pepper.
- pina'lek
- Cause dizziness; dizziness--caused from something eaten; sour stomach.
- pinacho
- Tweezers; pincers.
- pinadesi
- Agony; pangs of death; suffering; pain; misery.
- pinagat
- Sermon; preaching; gospel; advice; counsel.
- pinalakse'
- Fluent; voluble; smooth talker.
- pinalakse'guan
- Slip of the tongue; to slip away against ones intention or plans.
- pinalala
- Rush; hurry; dash; hasten.
- pinalao'anan
- Effeminate man; male person with feminine characteristics.
- pinat
- Too much; excess of; a lot of; plenty of; lots of; mostly.
- pinatokso'
- Hilly.
- pinatu
- Swollen scrotum; swollen testicles--temporary.
- pinayon
- Experience; skill.
- pinayonguan
- Habitual.
- pine'lo
- Thing--that is placed; object--which has been placed.
- pine'lo
- Presumption; presume; assume; asumption; thought; presuming (opinion), usually used with possessive type pronouns.
- pineddong åtdao
- Sundown. Also pineddong somnak.
- pineddong somnak
- noun. Sundown. Also pineddong atdao.