- pinekkat
- Walk; stroll.
- pineksai
- Propogation.
- pinekso'
- Feces--hard.
- pinenta
- Picture; design; painting; drawing.
- pinepble
- Poverty.
- pinetsigi
- Persecution; pursuit.
- pingga
- Carry (something)--by using a stick on the shoulder of two or more people.
- pinigan
- Cinder; ember; charcoal; a glowing fragment of coal, metal, etc.
- pinini
- Refusal; rejection.
- pinino' maisa'
- Suicide; person who commits suicide.
- pinipon
- Group of; bunch of. Also pupon.
- pinitensia
- Penance; atonement.
- piniti
- Sad; grief; anguish; pain; sorrow; mourn.
- pinitiyi
- Grieve for; lament.
- pinitiyiyi
- Sympathizing; grateful.
- pinu
- Type of tree--pine. Fir tree.
- pion
- Checker; the round object used in the game of checkers; disc or any object used to cover numbers in bingo game.
- pipa
- Large barrel.
- pipenta
- Painter.
- pipeska
- Fisherman; hunter. Also pepeska.
- pipet
- Lead (by the hand); guide (by the hand).
- pipino'
- Assassin; killer; murderer.
- pipinu
- Type of plant--cucumis sativus. Cucumber, tyep of melon.
- pipitas
- Seed; nut.
- pipong
- Ridge (of roof); peak of roof. Also pupong.
- piråda
- Nonsense; nuisance.
- piråta
- Pirate.
- pire'
- Harelip; a congenitally devided lip; like that of a hare.
- pisådiya
- noun. nightmare. sleep-walking. somnambulism. Also pesådiya.
- pisagon
- Frequent urge to urinate; having difficulty in ruinating.
- pisao
- Fishing pole.
- pisåra
- Blackboard; writing board.
- pistola
- noun. pistol; revolver.
- piston
- Piston; movable disk or cylinder.
- pisu
- Put in (a floor). Floor; platform.
- pitduras
- noun. pill (medicine). Also petduras, petdulas.
- Piti
- Village in central Guam.
- pitision
- Petition; entreaty; solemn request.
- pituma
- Stick--used in batu game; target when pitching coins, marbles, horseshoes, or stones. Also tanggånu.
- piña
- Type of plant--ananas comosus. Pineapple.