- u
- U--letter.
- u
- Future marker--third person.
- uahu
- Type of fish-acanthocybium solandri (family scombridae). Wahoo, type of tuna.
- uaia'
- noun. wire, cable, metallic thread.
- uailes
- To cable, to phone, telephone, cablegram.
- uales
- See ohales, uhales
- uarugume'
- Bad man, as in children's games. Also refers to Indians in game of Cowboys and Indians. (S)
- ubas
- Type of plant-vitis vinifera. Grape.
- uchan
- noun. rain. (weather); adjective. rainy
- uchon
- Groan, grunt-as when lifting a heavy object or moving bowels.
- uda
- Mute, speechless, destitute of the power of speech, dumb. (female)
- udai
- Means of transportation.
- udu
- Mute, speechless, destitute of the power of speech, dumb. (male)
- ufa
- Type of plant-heritiera littoralis. A type of tree.
- uga
- Caress, flatter, wheedle, cajole, soothe, bestow caresses upon.
- ugas
- Making of starch, starch, any starchy substance that may be used for food, medicine, clothing, etc.
- uges
- Pretty, pleasant to look at.
- ugo'
- Be jealous (sexual), be suspicious (infidelity), desire (sexual), envy.
- ugong
- Moan, groan, lament, mourn, utter in lamentation.
- ugot
- Massage (with the feet)--usually by walking on the body.
- uha'
- Pry open.
- uha'
- Gag, retch, heave with nausea.
- uhales
- Make buttonhole. Buttonhole.
- uhang
- noun. shrimp.
- uhang tasi
- Type of shrimp-enoplometopus antillensis. Salt water shrimp.
- uhi
- Alternate form of yuhi.
- uho'
- Use sparingly, use economically.
- uhu
- Here, take it--expression used to attract (someone's) attention when giving something.
- uke'
- Carry piggyback, carry (something) on the shoulders.
- ulat
- Fit, fit into.
- uli
- Oilcloth.
- ulo'
- Worm, germ, bacteria, caterpillar, maggot.
- ulo' ababang
- Caterpillar.
- ulon matiyu na halu'u
- Type of shark-sphyrnalewinii (sphyrnidae). Hammerhead shark.
- ulu
- noun. head (anatomy)
- uma
- verb. to carry, tote, bear. General term for carrying on the shoulder.
- uma'abale'
- Committing adultery.
- uma'ande'
- Flirting, showing off.
- uma'apaniti
- Boxing, fighting.
- uma'uyu
- Have intercourse.