- sinagu
- A person suffering from influenza; one who has influenza.
- sinague'
- Protection; guard.
- sinahguan
- Contents.
- sinahi
- Crescent moon.
- Sinajaña
- Village in central Guam. Pronounced Sinåhåña.
- sinamomu
- Type of plant--lawsonia intermis. A type of flower.
- sinangan
- Statement; speech; recitation; narrative; quotation; passage from some author or speaker; story.
- sinantusan
- Saint; holy person; believer; pietist; religious.
- sinaolak
- Spanking; whipping.
- Sinapalu
- Name for a place on Rota where the airfield is located.
- sinasålåguan
- Fiendish; hellish.
- sindålu
- noun.a soldier; warrior.
- sindogga
- Barefoot; go barefoot. Litterally: without shoes.
- sine'se'
- Thrust; stab.
- sine'so'
- Copra; coconut meat (ripe)--taken from its shell.
- sinembåtgo
- Nevertheless; still; yet.
- sinetnan
- Boiled food (starchy)--such as taro, yam, and breadfruit.
- sinetsot
- Repentance.
- singao
- Surfeit; sick from repetition; satiate; cause to be fed up.
- Singgåpot
- Singapore. Also Singgåpoa. (Primary stress is on the last syllable)
- sini
- Place in; put into.
- siniåbi
- Gentleness; mildness; meekness.
- sinibi
- Improvement.
- siniente
- Touch; perception.
- sinikretu
- Secrecy.
- sinilo'
- Lose temper; fly off the handle; become extremely angry; pain--a worsening; sickness- a worsening; aggravated; make worse.
- sininbåtgo
- No choice; face whatever consequence arises; no alternative; never mind.
- sinisa
- Ash Wednesday; ash colored; gray.
- sinisa
- Type of chicken--resembling gray Andalusian.
- sinisedi
- Incident; occurrence; event; happening; phenomenon; something that occurs.
- sinisu
- Shoot (of a plant); offshoot; scion; bud (of a plant).
- siniyi
- Fill; put in; place in.
- sinko
- Five.
- sinkuenta
- Fifty.
- sinkuenta I unu
- Fifty-one.
- sino
- Otherwise; else; or. (Primary stress is on the last syllable)
- sinonimu
- Synonym.
- sinseramente
- adverb. sincerely, honestly.
noun. sincerity; frankness; seriousness.
- sinseru
- Sincere; unadulterated; serious; wholehearted; heartfelt; unfeigned.
- sinta
- Edging; border.