- songgiyon
- Inflammable; combustible.
- songsong
- verb. to plug up; to close up (hole); to stop a flow.
- songsong
- noun. stopper; plug; any tool or device used in stopping a flow (usually water or air).
- songsong
- noun. town; village.
- Songsong
- noun. Name of principal village on Rota.
- sopas
- Mixing (of liquid with solid).
- sopas
- Mixture (of liquid and solid); soup.
- sopbla
- Remains; left over; remainder.
- soppla
- Sock in (as in smoking); suck--as through a straw; suck noodles, soup, or other liquid.
- sopplo
- Remainder; leftover; taking opponent's checkers because he did not make a jump during his turn.
- sorohu
- Sliding bar to lock door.
- sosiåt
- Social. (Primary stress is on the last syllable)
- sosomyan
- Swamp; marsh; bog. Also sosonyan, sesonyan.
- sosongte
- Tired; bored; fed up with. (Rota)
- sosse
- Mend. Also sotse.
- sota
- Jack (cards).
- sotådot
- One who holds the fighting cock during sikåt. (Primary stress is on the last syllable)
- sotda
- Weld; unite metallic parts by heating, hammering, or compressing; solder.
- sotdådura
- Welding equipment.
- sotfa
- Note (music); tune; melody; written notes of music.
- sotgan
- Proliferation; prolific. (Rota)
- sotne
- Cook (by boiling); to boil, usually refers to starchy food.
- sotse
- Mend; sew; stitch; darn.
- sotsot
- adjective. contrite; repentant.
- sotta
- vt. to release; set free; make free; let go.
- sottera
- Bachelorette; single woman; puberty.
- sotterita
- Teen-ager (female). Also sotteritu (male).
- sotteritu
- Teen-ager (male). Also sotterita (female).
- sotteru
- Bachelor; single man.
- sotttåyi
- Slacken for; boosen; enervate; release for.
- soyok
- Influence; convince; invite; persuade. Also sohyo'.
- ssiguridåt
- Assurance; insurance; security; safety; certitude; certainty; confidence; self-reliance. (Primary stress is on the last syllable)
- su'åbi
- Suave; sophisticated; curteous; refined; urbane; cultured (person).
- su'ånu
- Calm; even tempered; cool-headed.
- su'ok
- Persuade; induce; prevail upon; lure.
- su'on
- Push; shove; thrust; propel; encourage; raise the spirit of.
- su'on
- Build up fire by adding new wood.
- subes
- In fact; even though;.
- subetbia
- Brave; courage; stubborn; daring (female). Also subetbiu (male).
- subetbiu
- Brave; courageous; haughty; daring (male). Also subetbia (female).