
How to say “Goodbye” in Chamorro

Friends saying goodbye to each other.

Goodbye is one of the most common expressions used in most languages, and here we present to you the multitude of ways of saying goodbye to someone in Chamorro.


The Chamorro adios is a direct loan from the Spanish adiós. This is probably what a native speaker would say if you asked how to say “goodbye” in Chamorro. What Chamorro speakers actually use is a different story. Use adios if there’s a sense of finality. You won’t be seeing someone for a while or for a long time. This is something you would say to acquaintances, people you respect or even family members who have traveled a long distance to visit you and are now returning home. What most people will use in place of adios on a daily basis follow.

Informal ways of saying goodbye

Alright then.

Oftentimes, this will be what you will hear. Between friends or people you know well, you say esta to indicate that you’re ending the conversation or meeting. It’s understood that you’ll most likely be seeing each other again.

Hågu ha’ / Hamyo ha’
Just you / Just you all

This is a statement made to let them know that you are leaving them. It’s a shortened form of saying “(It will now only be) just you (since I am leaving.)” The first form (hågu ha’) is if you are addressing only one person and the second (hamyo ha’) if you are addressing more than one.

I leave you behind.

Usually said in situations where there is some activity going on, and to avoid disruption you dismiss yourself by saying that you will leave everyone to it. It is rooted in the word tatte, which means ‘back, behind’.

I leave you (all) behind.
(Used in the same way as the phrase above but addressing two or more people.)

Other ways of saying goodbye

Asta i despues
Until later, See you later

Asta agupa’
Until tomorrow, See you tomorrow

Asta lamo’na
Until tonight, See you tonight

Asta otro biahe
Until next time, See you next time

Asta i birada
Until the return, See you on the way back

Asta ki umali’e’ hit ta’lo
Until we meet again (singular)

Asta ki manali’e’ hit ta’lo
Until we all meet again (plural, addressing two or more people)

Asta ki…
Until then…

Asta i Lunes
Until Monday, See you Monday

Other Related Words

To say goodbye to someone, to bid farewell

Bai hu despidi si Francine, sa’ para u hanao tatte para California agupa’.
I will say goodbye to Francine, because she’s going back to California tomorrow.

A farewell, a goodbye.

This can refer to the act itself or a celebration, a farewell party.


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