May 5, 2018
How to say “I miss you” in Chamorro

To say “I miss you” in Chamorro, you say “Mahålang yu’ nu hågu.”
I miss you = mahålang yu’ nu hågu.
I miss you very much. = gof mahålang yu’ nu hågu.
I miss you so much. = sen mahålang yu’ nu hågu. (NOTE: sen here is like gof but a greater degree.)
Miss You (Singular vs. Plural)
The hågu in the phrase above is you singular. If you wanted to say “I miss you (all)”, you would have to say mahålang yu’ nu hamyo, where hamyo is the plural you.
hågu (second person singular pronoun)
hamyo (second person plural pronoun)
Håfa tatatmanu hao, Mom? – Mamaolek ha’, lao mahålang yu’ nu hågu.
How are you, Mom? – Still doing well, but I miss you.
Gof mahålang yu’ nu hamyo!
I miss you guys so much!
To Miss Someone Specific
To say that you miss a specific person, you will use the particle as instead of nu. Look at the following examples:
Mahålang yu’ as Chris.
I miss Chris.
Mahålang yu’ as nanå-hu.
I miss my mom.
Mahålang yu’ as nanå-hu biha.
I miss my grandmother.
Related Examples
Mahålang ham nu hågu.
We miss you. (The we here refers only to two people.)
Manmahålang ham nu hågu.
We miss you. (The we now refers to three or more people.)
Mahålang yu’ nu guiya.
I miss him/her.
Kåo mahålang hao nu guahu?
Do you miss me?
The following are other examples to express that you miss something. By now, you should’ve noted that mahålang yu’ is i miss and what follows depends on the object.
Mahålang yu’ nu Guam.
I miss Guam.
Mahålang yu’ nu i che’lu-hu låhi.
I miss my brother. (Literally, “I miss my male sibling.”)
Gof mahålang yu’ nu i fina’tinas nanå-hu biha.
I really miss my grandmother’s cooking.
Know how to say “I love you” in Chamorro? Click here to find out how.