May 15, 2017
How to say “Thank You” in Chamorro

There are a few ways to say thank you in Chamorro!
Si Yu’os ma’åse’
This the most common way to say “thank you” in Chamorro. The phrase itself differs from that of its English counterpart. What the phrase is really doing is asking God to be merciful to the person providing the service or gift. Si Yu’us (“God”, from Spanish Dios) ma’åse’ (“be merciful”).
Dångkulu na si Yu’us ma’åse’
Literally “a big thank you”, it is how you express “thank you very much” in Chamorro.
Other Useful Expressions
Si Yu’us ma’åse’ para i ayudu-mu (på’go).
Thanks for your help (today).
Buen prubechu
You’re welcome (formal)
Tåya’ guaha
You’re welcome (casual)
Gracias adios!
Thank God! Thank goodness! Thank heavens!
Other Ways to Say Thank You
A resurgence in Chamorro pride and identity has led specific groups of Chamorro speakers to begin suppressing and replacing the Spanish words and phrases in Chamorro in favor of indigenous Chamorro words. This has led to the expression saina ma’å’se’ in favor of si Yu’us ma’åse’. The word saina is the indigenous word for “elder” and can also be heard in the word asaina, a reference to God.
Whichever you decide to say, the important thing is that you say it. Being courteous in any language goes a long way to earning respect and friendship.
Now that you’ve learned how to say “thank you”, you should learn more ways to say “you’re welcome”.