May 14, 2017
How to say “I love you” in Chamorro

Traditionally, to say “I love you” in Chamorro or even to just generally express your love for someone has always been confined to intimate situations or occasions. However, as Chamorros have become more exposed to American media and culture, it’s become more common to hear in daily life.
How to say “I love you” in Chamorro
Hu guaiya håo
“Hu guaiya hao”, literally means “I love you” and is the most common way to express your love for someone in Chamorro. The word guaiya is the verb for “to love” and can be used in more than one way as can be seen in the next expression.
Mangguaiya yo’ nu hågu
This also tells someone that you love them but the understanding is a little different. You can use this expression to tell family or friends that you love them, BUT if you say this to someone you are dating or in a romantic relationship with, you are telling them that you are “in love” with them.
Other “Love” Phrases
Hu guaiya håo lokkue’.
I love you too.
Hu guaiya håo para siempre.
I love you forever.
I guinaiya-ku.
My love.
Hågu i guinaya-ku.
You are my love.
Examples in Chamorro Music
The following are examples of Chamorro songs that express “I love you” in Chamorro. The first song is Johnny Sablan’s U Guaiya Hao, which here the hu is written colloquial style. The second song is Hågu i Rason i Lina’lå’-hu, “you are the reason for my life”, by KC Deleon Guerrero.
Cover of song Hu Guaiya Hao by Johnny Sablan.
The song Hagu i Rason i Lina’la’-hu by KC Deleon Guerrero.
Other Ways to Express Your Love
While actually using the word “love” is the most common way in most languages, there are other expressions that also accomplish the same thing.
Hågu i Rason i Lina’lå’-hu
Like the song says, you are the reason I exist, the reason I wake up every morning. With a sentiment like that, you’d probably follow this up with the next phrase.
Tåya’ yo’ sin hågu
“I am nothing without you”, so do I need to say more?
Have an expression of love you’d like to share? Email!