- måtokngaihon
- Drowsy; half-asleep; heavy-eyed; nodding.
- måtomba
- Fall down; be fallen; fall over; cease to be erect.
- måtompo'
- Stumbled; tripped--in walking, running, etc.
- måtråba
- Tangled up, especially with a rope; entangled.
- måtraka
- Rattle.
- måtrimoniu
- Matrimony; marriage; wedlock; married state.
- måtris
- Matrix; womb.
- Måtso
- noun. March (month).
- Måttes
- Tuesday.
- måttet
- Martyr; martyrdom.
- måttetsio
- Abuse; curse.
- måttinan
- Deep water--just outside the reef. Also måktingan.
- måttirio
- Punishment; suffering; torture; torment.
- måttiyu
- noun. hammer (tool)
verb. to hammer (something).
- måtto
- Arrive; come; reach; destination.
- måttråta
- Maltreat; ill-treat; ill-use; molest; mistreat; do wrong to; treat badly.
- måttråtu
- Maltreatment; ill-treatment; molestation.
- måtua
- Archaic form referring to higher class in pre-Spanish Chamorro society.
- måtuba
- Notches in trunk of coconut tree to facilitate climbing.
- måtuhok
- Sleepy; drowsy; become sleepy for a while.
- måtulaihon
- Stagger; walk unsteadily; stumbling ; hobbling; staggering.
- måtulongtong
- Bumpy; jolting.
- måtuna
- Be praised; be lauded; be complemented; extolled.
- Maug
- Maug; the eighth island north of Saipan. Pronounced må'ok.
- maya'
- Blurry; blurred; become blurred; obscured.
- måyabok
- Soil; make dirty.
- mayamak
- Break down; go to pieces; collapse; fall down.
- måyao
- Shade tree; tree with many leaves and branches.
- måyaye'
- Weakened (person).
- måyengyong
- Quake; shake.
- måyidoma
- Stewardess; hostess; person in charge of a household or a big party.
- måyoria
- Majority.
- måyot
- Mayor; major--a commissioned officer next in rank above a captain; main; superior.
- måyotdomu
- Major domo; head of an organization; chief.
- måyotmente
- Especially; mainly; chiefly; particularly; mostly; primarily.
- Måyu
- noun. May (month).
- måyulang
- Broken; inoperable.
- måyute'
- Outcast; thrown away.
- måña'
- Custom; habit; tradition.
- mañåda'
- Lay (egg).