- madulok dågan
- Anus. Also maddok dågan.
- mafa'baba
- Be cheated; be fooled; be tricked; be defrauded.
- mafa'boreresi
- Favorite; minion; bosom child.
- mafa'ga'ga'
- Be treated as an animal (fig.).
- mafåma
- Be well-known; be well-liked; illustrious (of deeds or acts, famous); be praised.
- mafañågu
- Born; brought into existence by or as by birth; birthday.
- måffak
- Shatter; burst; break into fragments; crack (on the head).
- måffong
- Sleeping soundly; sound asleep.
- måfgo'
- Bent; fractured; squeezed.
- måfla
- Muffler (of engine).
- måfnas
- Faded; lose color; wiped out.
- mafnot
- Tight; full. Also mafñot.
- måfondo
- Sink; subside; become submerged; swallowed up; go down as to be partly covered.
- måfongfong
- Pug-nose; short nose.
- måfte'
- Nicked (blade); broken tooth; a nick in the sharp edge of a cutting tool.
- måfura
- noun. muffler (of engine). (Saipan)
Also mafla.
- måfute'
- Type of fish--family lutjanidae. Snappers.
- mafñot
- Tight. Also mafnot.
- måga
- Early; before it proper time.
- maga'an
- Awake--wide. (Rota)
- måga'håga
- First lady; high ranking woman.
- måga'låhi
- noun. 1) Ruler; the highest rand of a state, as president, governor, mayor, magistrate, chief, chieftain. 2) Highest ranking male in ancient Chamorro society.
- måga'om
- Have sex appeal.
- mågågu
- Clothes; dress; shirt; yardage.
- mågåhet
- Honest; truthful; frank; true; sincere; indeed; authentic; genuine.
- mågap
- Yawn; evaporate.
- mågefatan
- Screened; looked over carefully.
- mågeftungo'
- Popular; well-known.
- mågen
- This side of. From mågi.
- maggem
- Damp; wilted; humid; limp from moisture; soft hearted.
- maggem
- Silent; sautious.
- mågguak
- Roomy; big; large quantity.
- mågi
- Here; (toward or in the direction of the speaker).
- magof
- Happy; gay; glad; delight.
- mågofatan
- Liked; beloved; favorite.
- mågofli'e'
- Beloved; dear.
- mågomgom
- Contusion; internal injury.
- mågong
- Healed; recovered.
- måguan
- Type of dish.
- måguro'
- Type of fish--neothunnus albacora macropterus. Yellow fin tuna.