- miresi
- Receive; deserve.
- miron
- adjective. inattentive; one who usually gets distracted; bystander; onlooker; spectator; viewer.
- misa
- Mass; the commemorative sacrifice of the Catholic church.
- misan ånimas
- Requiem; mass for deceased person; mass for the souls.
- misan gåyu
- Midnight mass--on Easter Sunday, Christmas, and New Year's Eve. Literally rooster's mass.
- misan kåntådå
- High mass.
- misan mo'na
- Mass--early; fist mass when there is no midnight mass offered, but more masses are to follow.
- misan risåda
- noun. Low Mass - In the Catholic Church, it is a Mass with no music and a minimum of ceremony.
- misan talo'
- Mass--middle; the second mass offered out of three masses.
- misan tatalo'puengi
- Mass-midnight.
- misan tåtte
- Mass--late; the last mass offered of the day.
- misåt
- noun. Missal; prayer book for Catholic church.
- misen
- Full of liquid; abundent liquid; root crops--big and plentiful.
- miseråble
- Miserable; disconsolate; comfortless; cheerless.
- miseria
- noun. misery; misfortune; poverty; destitution.
- misioneru
- Missionary.
- misirikotdia
- Expression. For mercy's sake. Goodness gracious. For goodness sake.
- mismo
- adjective. same; personally; really; very; by oneself; emphasizer.
- miso'
- Bean paste--from soy beans; miso.
- misterio
- Mystery; enigma; conundrum; profound secret; riddle; puzzle.
- mit
- One thousand.
- mit leguas
- noun. type of plant -- Telosma cordata or "Chinese violet".
- mitåti
- noun. millstone; a flat stone used for grinding corn, rice, etc. The base against which månu is rolled.
Also metåti.
- miteng
- noun. meeting; assembly; gathering; convention.
- mititanos
- Wise; prudent; learned.
- mitituka'
- Thorny; having lots of thorns.
- mitto'
- noun. mitt; glove (baseball). (Saipan)
- miyas
- Mile; knot (nautical).
- miyon
- Million.
- miyonåria
- Millionaire (female). Also miyonåriu (male).
- miyonårio
- Millionaire (male). Also miyonåria (female).
- miyu
- Your; yours (possessive plural suffix).
- miña
- To have lots of; have more than ample supply of something.
- mo'na
- Front; be first; in front of forward.
- mobimiento
- Movement; motion; maneuver. Also mobimento.
- mocha
- Cut off ear; to cut off part or all of the ear of a person or animal.
- moda
- Fashion; conventional custom of dress; mode.
- moddong
- Size; depth.
- moddong
- Boat; ship.
- modelu
- Model; pattern; example; facsimile; design--and example for imitation.