- mañågu
- Give birth; bear a child.
- mañågue'
- Death quiver; cunvulsion; cunvulsive quivering, usually indicating approaching death; twitching of body.
- måñåhåk
- Type of fish--family siganidae. Rabbit fish.
- mañaina'
- Parents; elders (plural).
- mañaña'
- Soft; tender; lenient; easily yielding to physical pressure; gentle; yielding.
- mañe'lo
- Siblings; brothers; sisters. Plural for che'lo.
- måñeha
- Move backwards.
- mañetnot
- Infected--with sores.
- mañila'
- verb. illuminated; light up; glare; burst into flame; become inflamed; blaze; lightning.
- måñini
- Pregnant.
- mañokñok
- Sunk; submerged.
- mañom
- Cold; flue; runny nose.
- mañongsong
- Clogged up; plugged up.
- mañostieni
- Cling; hang on to; hold on to; clasp; grip; brace.
- mañotsot
- Reformed; repented.
- mañufa'
- Rooting (pig); fall on face.
- mañugo'
- Suppurate; fester; orgasm; generate pus or juice; ejaculate; ooze.
- mañusu
- Budding; have buds.
- me'i
- Urinate on; to discharge urine on. Also me'mi'i.
- me'me'
- verb. to urinate; to pee.
noun. urine; pee. - me'nan
- In front of.
- mecha
- Wick; filament; mantle; tinder; combustible matieral used to start a fire.
- mechio'
- adjective. sharp shooter; bulls-eye, especially in marble game. (Saipan)
- media
- Half; one of two equal parts of anything.
- mediånu
- Medium; average; middle state; moderation; temperateness; regular.
- mediku
- Doctor; physician; surgeon.
- mediu
- Half; measure of half.
- mediu di
- For the sake of.
- mediu dia
- Half day; from morning till noon.
- mefgo'
- Juicy; have lots of juice. From mi- plus chugo'. Also mesgo'
- mefno'
- adjective. talkative; loquacious; wordy.
- meggai
- adjective. many; plenty; lots of ; much; full of.
- meggai na biåhi
- Many times.
- meggaiña
- More; greater in number, quantity, or extent.
- mehga'
- adjective. bloody. Also mihaga'.
- mehna
- Catch--big; lots of luck in hunting.
- mehto
- Lousy; infested with lice. Also metto.
- Meksikåna
- Mexican (female).
- Meksikånu
- Mexican (male).
- Meksiku
- Mexico.