- mumu
- Combat; battle; argue; fight; quarrel.
- mumutong
- Type of plant--ageratum conyzoides or hyptis capitata. Type of bush.
- mumutong palao'an
- Type of plant--cassia occidentalis. Type of bush--used for medicine.
- muna'
- The reason. Also mina'. A combined form of -um- plus na'-.
- muna'-
- Cause; make; causative prefix--with actor focus affix.
- mundonggo
- First stomach of a cow; rumen; reticulum. Used for making fritådas. Tripe.
- munga
- Not--in either-or situation. No--when declining something offered; don't (imperative).
- munhåyan
- Finish (already); complete. Also munåyan; monhåyan.
- munidensia
- Vital organs--located in the thoracic part of the interior of the body; consisting of heart, lungs, liver, etc.
- munisipåt
- Municipality.
- munon pachot
- Bicker; quarrel.
- mupblådu
- adjective. Cloudy; cloudy weather. Also lublådu, nublådu.
- muråya
- Rampart; surrounding wall.
- murena
- Type of complexion--tea colored, neither dark nor white complexion.
- musigomo'
- Rubber; eraser. (Saipan)
- musika
- Music.
- musiku
- Band; orchestra.
- muta'
- Vomit; throw up; regurgitate; cast up from the stomach; upchuck; belch forth.
- mutero'
- Have too much fun; good time; have access; have available. (Saipan)
- mutong
- Stink; malodorous; smell bad.
- mutta
- Fine; penalty; payment of fine; sum paid by way of settlement.
- muttiplika
- Multiply; increase by large quantity.
- muttiplikåt
- Multiplication.
- muyo'
- Puckered lips; protruded lips--when angry or displeased; pout.
- muyu'i
- Sneer; show contempt by facial expression.
- muñeka
- Doll; puppet.
- muñera
- Cry-baby (female); timid; grouchy; cranky; hard to please. Also muñeru (male).
- muñeru
- Cry-baby (male); timid; grouchy; cranky; hard to please. Also muñera (female).