- moskas
- Carpenter's fitting; system of fitting pieces of wood together without using nails.
- mostasa
- Type of plant--brassica juncea. Mustard plant; mustard.
- mostra
- Exhibit; display; sample--to be copied.
- mosu
- Servant; an employee who is employed on a 24 hour basis and is treated as one of the family. Also mosa (female).
- motas
- Defect in sweing; weak stitching; causes from imbalance of two threads on sewing machine.
- motgan
- Have too much fun; good time; have access; have available; have surplus; overindulge; overdo. (Saipan)
- motibu
- Motive; reason.
- motmot
- Full; crowded; full up; containing all that can be held.
- moto'
- Desire; feeling disposition.
- moton
- Block and tackle; a combination of pulley and chain or rope to lift heavy things.
- motosaidot
- Motorcycle.
- motsiyas
- Stuffed neck of chicken. After the chicken is killed by stretching the neck, the cavity left by pulling the bones aparty is stuffed with vegetables before boiling.
- mottåt
- Mortal; human being; living soul.
- motu
- Motor.
- moyeha
- noun. Gizzard; the second (posterior) stomach of birds; having thick walls and horny lining for grinding food.
- moyong
- Grindstone; millstone.
- mu
- Your; yours (possessive singular suffix).
- mubet
- Level (carpenter's). Also nubet, nubet.
- mubi
- Movie; motion picture; cinema.
- muchåcha
- Servant; person employed in domestic duties; person in the service of another (female). Also muchåchu (male).
- muchåchu
- Servant; person employed in domestic duties; person in the service of another (male). Also muchåcha (female).
- muchumas
- Especially.
- muda
- Clothing--nice; clothes--Sunday; change clothes--fresh and clean.
- mudista
- Dressmaker.
- muebi
- Move; budge; change place.
- muestra
- Sample.
- mueyi
- Elasticity; spring--a metal spring or device that recovers its original shape when released after being distorted.
- mugo'
- Matter (from eyes); a purulent substance that secretes from the eyes.
- mukos
- Mucus; mucous; snot.
- mula
- Mule; hybrid of jackass and mare.
- mulåta
- Permanent wave; curly hair.
- mulåtu
- Curly hair; curl; tress of hair; ringlet; lovelock; curlicue; wavy hair; curling of leaves (male). Also mulåta (female).
- mulidu
- Bruise.
- mulinu
- Grind; reduce to powder by friction; grinder; grindstone.
- mumåhetok
- Hardened; solidified; become hard.
- mumåmåhlao
- Become ashamed; become embarrassed; becom bashful; become humiliated; be put to shame; be abashed by guilt.
- mumaolek
- Become good; become well.
- mumaya'
- Becomed blurred; become obscured; hazy; become indistinct to the sight.
- mumañaña'
- Softened; became tender; weakened; dampened.
- mumon linahyan
- Revolution; uprising. Literally fight of many people.