- metgot
- adjective. 1) strong; stout; sturdy; stalwart; tough; tenacious; powerful; solid. 2) very intense; concentrated; alcoholic.
- meti
- Merit; right; privilege.
- metkao
- noun. market -- public; grocery store.
- Metkoles
- Wednesday.
- metro
- Meter.
- metton
- Certain; definite; absolute; sure; attached to; true.
- meyas
- noun. socks; stockings.
- meyend
- Good at; expert; skillful; masterly; professional; proficient; winner. (Saipan)
- meyu
- noun. penny; smallest denomination of Spanish coin.
- mi'acho'
- Rocky; having lots of rocks.
- mi'unai
- Sandy; having lots of sand.
- mi-
- To have lots of (prefix); many; plenty.
- miche'
- Poor; needy.
- midi
- Measure (something); mark the bounds or limits of; determine or lay out in measuring; take or make a measurement.
- midida
- Measuring tool; system of measure; any device used for measuring; measurement.
- mientra
- Mention; speak of; make known; inform; refer to; discuss. Also mentra, menta.
- mientras
- While; meanwhile; in the mean time; used to connect clauses or phrases. Also mentras.
- miet
- Honey; syrup.
- miganchio'
- Eyeglass wearer; one who wears eyeglasses; a person with poor eyesight. Also miganche'. (Saipan)
- miguinaha
- Wealthy; rich; affluent; opulent; ample; lots of wealth.
- mihinallom
- Intelligent. Also menhallom.
- mihinilat
- Efficient; powerful.
- mihitu
- Lousy; infested with lice. From mi- plus hutu. Also metto, mehto.
- mikulot
- Colorful; gaudy.
- milachi
- Wrongful; injurious.
- milagro
- Miracle.
- milagrosa
- Miraculous; one who is capable of performing miracles (male). Also milagrosu (male).
- milagrosu
- Miraculous; one who is capable of performing miracles (male). Also milagrosa (female).
- milak
- Flood; deluge; inundation; overflow; flowing.
- milaya
- Medal; medallion.
- milåya
- noun. Scapular; religious pendant made of cloth.
- milisia
- Militia.
- milisiånu
- Militia.
- militåt
- Military; armed forces; body of soldiers.
- mimbro
- Member; part; bodily part or organ. Also membro.
- mina
- Mine; quarry; subterranean passage.
- mina'
- The reason. Also muna'.
- mina'-
- Ordinal marker; prefix used to make ordinal number from cardinal.
- mina'å'ñao
- Horror; fear; terror; fright.
- mina'åse'
- noun. forgiveness; compassion; pardon; remission; mercy; disposition to pardon; pity.