- tette
- Sprinkle; misty; everspread (with drops or particles of water); scattered shower. Also teti.
- ti
- Not (negative marker).
- ti annok
- Invisible; concealed; not shown.
- ti åpmåm
- Momentary; short duration; not for long; short while; a while; soon.
- ti atanon
- Horrid; dreadful; hideous; ugly.
- ti chuma'igi
- Tie game; even-score; deuce game; no competition; no contest.
- ti chuma'on
- Incorrigible.
- ti fina'baba
- Allegiance; fidelity to cause.
- ti gobietnayon
- Unruly; ungovernable.
- ti guailåyi
- Don't; not necessary.
- ti guaiyayon
- Hateful; repugnant; unlovable.
- ti kåbåles
- Imperfect; incomplete.
- ti kåhulo'
- Fail; fall short; deficient.
- ti komprendiyon
- Incoherent; incomprehensible.
- ti kontento
- Discontented; envious.
- ti ma'ok
- Transitory; fleeting, undurable.
- ti måmåfnas
- Indelible.
- ti manieniente
- Numb; torpid.
- ti mappot
- Simple; easy; not difficult.
- ti måsa
- Raw; uncooked.
- ti naturåt
- Abnormal; not natural.
- ti sungunon
- Overbearing; domineering; insufferable.
- ti'ao
- Type of fish--upeneus vittatus (family mullidae). Goatfishes.
- tibi
- Tuberculosis; TB; tubercular; consumptive.
- tibiu
- Tepid; warm. Also tebiu.
- tiempo
- Weather; time; length of time.
- tiempon somnak
- Dry season; summer; sultry condition.
- tiempon uchan
- Wet season; rainy season.
- tieneki
- Then surely; definitely; certainly. From Spanish tener que. Also teneke.
- tienta
- Tempt; persuade; lead into evil; endeavor to lead into evil.
- tieras
- Scissors. Also tiheras.
- tieras pugua'
- Special type of scissors for cutting betel nut. Also tiheras pugua'.
- tife'
- Pick; break off, especially fruit from trees, vines, etc.; pull (a tooth).
- tiges
- Smash; crush; mash; stamp; crumble; step on.
- tigiri
- noun. Tiger (animal); Referring to the large carnivorous mammal (Panthera tigris) of the cat family.
- tigre
- Type of plant--sansevieria sp.
- tiguang-
- Fellow man; brotherhood; neighborhood. (Used with possessive pronouns).
- tiha
- Aunt. Also tia.
- tiheras
- Scissors; cross-beam. Also tieras.
- tihu
- Uncle. Also tiu.