- tininas
- Honestly.
- tiningo'
- Knowledge; learning; enlightenment.
- tininu
- Piles; hemorrhoids.
- tininu
- Grilled; barbequed; scalded; burnt; broiled.
- tinitu
- Shelled rice; pounded coffee.
- tinta
- Ink.
- tinteru
- Ink maker; ink well.
- tiot
- All. From todu I as in todu I tiempo.
- tiot tiempo
- Forever; all the time.
- tira
- Pitch (underhand); throw (underhand), as horseshoes, or when skipping a flat rock on the surface of the water; toss; toss up.
- tirånte
- Strap; suspender.
- tiratira
- Thick syrup--for making candy.
- tiråyi
- Throw to; throw for; sic--used as a command to a dog.
- tirentines
- Trinkets, such as shells, beads, sequins used for ornamenting hair or clothes. Also tilentines.
- tirenu
- Field; tract; terrain.
- tiru
- Sound of gun shot; round of shots.
- tisage'
- Hand bag (made from weaving); woven bag. (Rota)
- tison chili
- Erection--of penis. Also lålålo' chili.
- tisu
- Erect; stiff; straight; rigid; tense; taut.
- tisu
- Unconscious; fainted; not conscious; fall in a swoon; knocked out.
- titanos
- Brain.
- titek
- Tear off; rip.
- titeng
- Carry--by 2 people using both hands as in carrying a stretcher. Also titen.
- titenta
- noun. dying agent; stainer; painter. (Saipan)
- titienta
- Tempter; enticer; capable of enticing.
- titimu
- Type of plant--eclipta alba. A type of grass.
- titires
- Bafoon; oaf.
- titiyas
- Tortillas.
- titokcha'
- Bee stinger.
- titufok
- Weaver--of mats, baskets, etc.
- tituge'
- Writer; penman; calligrapher; calligraphist.
- titugi
- Type of eel--gymnothorax pictus (family muraenidae). Moray eels.
- tituka'
- Thorn, usually comes from trees, bushes, or vines; barb.
- titula
- Title; inscription; heading; caption; position; style; appellation; rank.
- titumu
- Dyer; stainer; one who dyes.
- to'å
- Mature (fruit); mature mind; fruit--ready for picking.
- to'chong
- Connect by tying.
- to'chong
- Type of knot; slip knot; flat knot; reef knot.
- to'he
- Drop (liquid); give a drop of liquid. Also to'i.
- to'i
- drop (liquid); give a drop of liquid. Also to'he.