- tronkon sosigi
- Type of plant--acacia kauaiensis, acacia koaia.
- tronu
- Throne.
- tropa
- Troop; army.
- troson lamlam
- Thunderbolt; bolt of lightning.
- trosu
- Chunk; a short, thick fragment, as of wood, meat, metal, etc.; timber; section of cut wood; log; solid whole mass.
- trosu
- Type of food--pot roast.
- trukos
- Punch (in the face); sock (in the face); hit (in the face).
- trumosu
- Logging; to cut logs.
- tu'åya
- Towel; wash cloth. Also tuåya.
- tu'o'
- Drip; leak; trickle; fall in or form drops; spot with rain; pour drop by drop. (Rota) Also tuho'.
- tuåya
- Towel; wash cloth. Also tu'åya.
- tuba
- Bud of the coconut tree; juice which is tapped from bud of coconut tree which ferments very quickly.
- tuba
- Beverage from sap of coconut tree; coconut sap; toddy; notch put in a tree to ease climbing.
- tuban chå'ka
- Type of plant--corchorus aestuans. Wild jute.
- tubatuba
- Type of plant--jatropha curcas. Physic nut.
- tubon ilektrik
- Light bulb.
- tubon pi'ao
- Reed pipe; bamboo pipe.
- tubu
- Lamp globe; the glass part of a lantern which protects the flame from the wind; drain pipe; duct.
- tucha
- Puncture; pierce; to lead or start a prayer.
- tucho'
- To eat raw meat, or fleshy foods such as eggs; eat cooked food without any manners; eat savagely.
- tuchou
- Catch--a prey, as a cat catching a mouse. Also atuchuchu, tucho'.
- tufai
- Haggard; worn out; depressed by old age. (Rota)
- tufok
- Weave.
- tufong
- Count.
- tufungon
- Countable; can be counted. From tufong plus -on.
- tugan
- Break off; pick from tree.
- tugap
- verb. to burp; belch; eruct.
- tuge'
- Write; tabulate.
- tugi'i
- Write to (someone); write for (someone).
- tugong
- Rush; charge at.
- tugot
- Crush--with fingers, as to crush a flea or louse.
- tugua'
- Strike down; throw down; hit down; as in båtu (game).
- tuhong
- noun. hat; sombrero; cap.
- tuhong tåppe
- Helmet; hat.
- tuhos
- Have oo much fun; good time; have access; over-hoy; have available; have surplus; overindulge; overdo.
- tuhu'
- Drop; leak. Also tu'o'.
- tuka
- Start; commence; begin.
- tukadot
- Dressing table; boudoir.
- tuktuk
- Cluck--as when a hen calls for her chicks. Also tottok, totot.
- tulaika
- verb. exchange; trade; replace; substitute; change.
noun. change, i.e. money returned to someone as the balance of the amount paid for something.