- tåkpångi
- verb. to baptize; to christen.
- takpapa'
- Low; humble; abject.
- takpapa'
- Snake; reptile.
- tåktåk
- verb. to hack at; to cut with rough blows; to cut by striking repeatedly with a sharp instrument.
- tåktåk
- Pecking (sound).
- tåktåmudu
- Dumb; stupid. See tåttåmudu.
- tåkuån
- Daikon raddish--preserved.
- tåkuri
- Kettle, used especially for boiling water for tea or coffee.
- tåla'
- Dry; dry up; expose; make dry; lay open; spread over.
- tala'yok
- Hop--on two feet.
- talak-
- To face certain direction.
- tålåktåk
- Rattle; tapping; clicking; clacking; clink; clatter. Also tåktåk.
- talanga
- Ear.
- talangan håyu
- Type of fungus, dark brownish and quite slippery when wet, usually attaches to decayed wood and looks just like the ear of people. Often found on dead tree trunks.
- talangan hulu
- Roll of thunder; bolt of lightning. After a storm, disorders of thickets or woods are attributed to it.
- tålåpia
- Type of fish--fresh water, originally imported from the Philippines. Also tilåpia.
- tålåpos
- Rag; shred; tatter; a waste piece of cloth torn or cut off.
- tålåya
- Net; circular or throwing net used for fishing.
- tålåyan måñåhåk
- Trow net--very fine mesh, used for catching small fish (måñåhåk) inside the reef.
- tålåyan ti'ao
- Throw net--very small holes and has small lead sinkers.
- tålåyera
- Fisherwoman--throwing net; one who fishes with a throwing net. Also tålåyeru (male).
- tålåyeru
- Fisherman--throwing net; one who fishes with a throwing net. Also tålåyera (female).
- tålen manåla'
- Clothesline.
- tålen moddong
- Sea cucumber--long, rope-like in appearance. Long rope.
- tålento
- Talent; ability; knowledge; mentality; mind; brain; brainy; smart; intelligent.
- tåli
- Rope; twine.
- tålisai
- Type of plant--terminalia catappa. A type of tree, bears nuts. Indian almond.
- tålisai gånu
- Type of plant--terminalia litoralis.
- talo'
- Center; central point of anything.
- talo'åni
- noun. 1) noon; afternoon. 2) midday; the hours of the day when the sun is at its peak.
- Talofofo
- Village in southern Guam. Pronounced: talo'fo'fo'.
- tålonan
- Kill; overpower. The corpse as a result from fighting (usually refers to cockfighting). Dead cock after cockfight.
- talulo'
- adjective. bullseye; right on the spot; right on target; on the dot.
- tåma'
- noun. bearing (ball); marbles (playing). (Northern Marianas)
- tåmaånes hateng
- Type of plant--carinta herbacea.
- tåmånege'
- Onion--round bulb. Also tåmånenge'.
- tåmbo'
- Unit of measurement--approximately 1,000 square meters. (Saipan)
- tåmbot
- noun. drum (musical instrument)
- tåmong
- Big; large; huge. (Rota)
- tåmpat
- Type of fish--bothus mancus. (Bothidae) flounder; flatfish.