- tailayi
- Rude; selfish; cruel; unfriendly; unpropitious; not kind; cause to harm.
- taimå'å'ñao
- Fearless. Also taimå'ñao.
- taimåncha
- Unstained; without blemish.
- taimanu
- How (question word). Also used with håfa to mean the same thing.
- taiminagof
- Sad; full of grief; without joy.
- taiminaolek
- Sterile; barren; producing little or no crop.
- taininangga
- Hopeless; desperate.
- taipårehu
- Unique; incomparable; matchless; incommensurable; cannot be compared with anything else.
- taipresiu
- Priceless; invaluable.
- taipunta
- Obtuse; dull.
- tairemediu
- Incurable; incorrigible.
- tairespetu
- Impudent; disrespectful.
- taisåbot
- Tasteless; bland.
- taisåga
- Indigent; destitute; needy.
- taisålåpe'
- Poor; without money.
- taisentidu
- Idiot; fool; senseless.
- taisetbe
- Rudeness; forwardness.
- taitai
- Read.
- taitai
- Pray.
- taitiningo'
- adjective. unintelligent; ignorant; simpleminded; brainless.
noun. simpleton; person devoid of knowledge.
- taiuttimo
- Infiniteness; infinity; endlessness.
- tak-
- Comparative prefix, used with location and direction words, the degree indicated by tak- is less than that indicated by ya-.
- taka'
- Reach; gain; achieve; attain.
- taka'
- Time required; last; delay; take up (time); put off; defer; endure.
- tåke'
- noun. feces; droppings; manure; excrement; dung; muck; poop.
- tåke' biha
- Type of plant--cassia alate. Candle bush. Used for treating ringworm.
- tåke' gå'gå'
- Manure.
- tåke' lulok
- Rust.
- tåke' uchan
- Type of plant--a type of algae that grows on the ground during the wet season. Literally: Feces of the rain.
- tåkfia
- Guess size; estimate. Also takfiha.
- takfiha
- Guess size; estimate. Also takfia.
- takgagao
- Beggar; mendicant; pauper.
- takka'
- Grope; search blindly; reach for; frisk; search a person.
- takkalom
- Too far inside; intensive.
- takkilo'
- Eminent; high; in a high place.
- taklalo'
- Harsh; stern; rigid.
- takleffa
- Forgetful.
- takme
- Contagious.
- tåkong
- Heel (of shoes).
- tåkos
- Sock; punch; hit with a fist.