- tåmpe
- Cover up; put lid on.
- tåmpe
- Cover; lid; binding (for books).
- tåmpen kåtre
- Bed cover.
- tåmpen lamasa
- Tablecloth.
- tåmpen måta
- Face mask--such as a catcher's mask.
- tåmpoku
- By no means; not in the least; in no condition; in no way; not even; not so much as.
- tamtam
- Test; try out; sip; taste.
- Tamuning
- Village and commercial center in central Guam.
- tamyao
- Juggle; juggling. Also tangyao.
- tan
- Madam, used as a term of respect to address older women or older female relative along with the first name. A short form of tian.
- Tanapag
- A village located south of San Roque on Saipan. Pronounced tanapak.
- tancho'
- Select; nominate; point; elect.
- tåndan
- Rooster--young.
- tåne'
- Detain; prevent doing; distracting; keep from doing something; detaining.
- tånga
- Wish for; long for; hope for; crave; want; set ones heart upon. To wish for something that is unlikely to happen.
- tångantångan
- Type of plant--leucaena leucocephala. A large bush that proliferates on many of the high islands in Micronesia. Good for cattle feed and fuel.
- tånges
- Cry; weep; sob.
- tångganu
- Stick--used in båtu game or horseshoes. Also pituma. Type of game--contestants try to throw rings onto a vertical stick.
- tångison
- Type of fish--cheilinus undulatus (family labridae). Large wrasse, markings under the eyes suggest that it is crying.
- tangnga
- Deaf; having hearing problem.
- tångse
- Cry for; weep for.
- tangsong
- adjective. weepy; wailing. noun. High-pitched voice.
- tångyao
- Juggle; preform juggling. Juggling; act of juggling. (Rota). Also tamyao.
- tånkåla
- Watery batter--condition of batter when too much water is added.
- tånkåla
- Porous; permeable (by water, air, etc.).
- tånkat
- Cage; a place of confinement; put in a small cage. Used only for small animals, such as birds.
- tånkat gåyu
- Cage for rooster, especially at cockpits.
- tånke
- Tank; drum (can); large cylindrical can.
- tånken
- Can for; drum for; tank for.
- tånko
- noun. tank; a heavily armored combat vehicle. (Saipan)
- tånme
- Plant--seeds or something. Also tåtme.
- tånme
- Contaminate; pollute; cause to spread by contact, as a contagious disease; polluter. Also tåtme.
- tåno'
- noun. world; earth; land; soil; ground.
- tåno' maipe
- noun. Tropics; tropical land.
- tåno' månengheng
- noun. Cold region; cold place.
- tånom
- verb. to plant seeds or vegetation.
- tånores
- Altar boy.
- tånso'
- Clothes closet; wardrobe--usually portable. (Saipan)
- tånteha
- Weigh (by lifting); estimate weight by using ones body. Especially with the hand or hands. (Rota) Also tåntea.
- tånto
- Poker chips; chips--used to keep track of points in a game; total; sum. Also tåntos (plural form).