- tåsi
- Sea; ocean; beach.
- tåsme
- Sharpen--to a point.
- tåson
- Mixing bowl; bowl.
- tåsyan
- noun. mist; caused by surf or heavy waves. (Saipan)
- tåt komu
- Such as.
- tåt-
- Short form of tåya' when used as a first member of negative compound words.
- tåtå
- Father; dad; papa; daddy; male parent.
- tataga'
- Type of fish--naso unicornus (family acanthuridae). Unicorn fishes.
- tataga'
- Slicer; chopper; cutter; one who is capable of cutting.
- tataga' hålu'u
- Type of fish--family acanthuridae. Surgeon fish.
- tatågo'
- Commander; foreman; magistrate; governor.
- tataitai
- Reader; literate person; one who or that which can read.
- tåtålo'
- Back; backside--of person or animal.
- tåtålo' puenge
- Midnight; middle of the night.
- tatancho'
- Forefinger; index finger.
- tåtaotao
- Human body. Also tåhtaotao.
- tåtåranieta
- Granddaughter (great, great).
- tåtåranietu
- Grandson (great, great).
- tatase
- Poisoner--one who or that which poisons.
- tåtåtmånu
- Greeting word, but cannot be used by itself, only in a phrase, such as Håfa tåtåtmånu hao? (How are you?)
- tåtåtte
- Progeny; offspring; descendant.
- tåtde ti
- Almost always; usually; always. Contracted form of tåya' nai di plus ti. Without the negative particle ti the meaning is "never." Also tåtke ti, tåtnai ti.
- tåtdes
- Afternoon, but used only in a phrase, such as buenas tåtdes (good afternoon).
- tåtfiet
- So much of; so great; it is so…
- tåtfoi
- So much of; so great; it is so…
- Tatgua
- Name of a place on Rota.
- tåtheta
- Name card.
- tåtke
- verb. to defecate (on or in something).
- tåtkomu
- Such as; for example.
- tåtme
- Plant--seeds or something. Also tånme.
- tåtme
- Contaminate; pollute; cause to spread by contact, as a contagious disease; polluter. Also tånme.
- tåtnai
- Never; none; to no degree.
- tåtnai ti
- Almost always; usually; always; contracted form of tåya nai plus ti. Without the negative particle ti the meaning is "never." Also tåtne ti.
- tåtne
- Bury.
- tåtneru
- Calf--male.
- tatnon
- Dawdler; poke; one who gets distracted easily; carried away easily.
- tåtos
- Bet; wager.
- tåtse
- Kill (by poison); infect; impregnate with poison.
- tåttåmudu
- Dumb; stupid; slow-witted; feather-brained; dull; stuttered; stammerer (male). Also tåttåmuda (female), tåktåmudu.
- tåtte
- Back of; behind; rear; follow; backward; ensue.