- tenedot
- Bookmaker; one who keeps track of the betting on one of the cocks at cockfights.
- tenedot di libro
- Accountant; bookkeeper.
- teneki
- Surely; certainly; definitely; must. From Spanish tener que. Also tieneki.
- tenga
- Usually; often; most of the time.
- tengguang
- Food (carried as supplies); provisions (food); box lunch; to take food to be eaten, as a lunch; picnic supper.
- tengteng
- Nick (blade); chip; put a nick in the blade of a tool; break off--especially hard or brittle substance. (Rota)
- tenhos
- Impatient; impatience; jelous. (Rota)
- Tenhos
- August.
- tenidot
- Fork.
- tenidot basulat
- Pitchfork.
- tenta
- Tempt; seduce; entice.
- tentågo'
- Servant; attendant; messenger.
- tentånchinu
- Type of plant--cestrum diurnum. A type of tree.
- tentåsion
- Temptation.
- tento'
- Tent. Canvas supported by poles; canvas.
- teppang
- Metal sheet. (Saipan). Also piesan metåt.
- teripble
- Terrible.
- teritoriåt
- Territorial.
- teritoriu
- Territory; domain; land.
- terudang
- noun. hand grenade; bomb -- incendiary. (Saipan)
- tesgue
- Cheat; deceive; defraud; dupe; trick.
- tesna
- Charcoal dust; be covered with charcoal dust; soot.
- tesoreria
- Treasury. Also tresuråt.
- tesoru
- Treasure.
- tesson
- Fire stick (partly burned); charred stick; ember; partly burned fire stick; brand; firebrand.
- teståmento
- Testament.
- testigu
- Witness; testifier; attestor; deponent; one who gives testimony.
- testiguyi
- Testify; attest.
- testimoniu
- Testimony; attestation; act of testifying.
- tetenan
- Left over; remains; remainder; unfinished. Also tetehnan, tetenhan.
- tetenhan
- Remainder; left-over; left. Also tetenan.
- tetmenu
- Time; period; alloted time; a period of time alloted, as for a visa, contract, etc.
- tetmina
- Terminate; limit or bound.
- tetmomentro
- Thermometer.
- tetmosa
- Thermos. Also temos.
- tetno
- Pair; couplet; match; couple; same; of like kind (sort, degree)
- tetno
- Matching blouse and skirt of mestisa dress.
- tets
- Target, as in a game of marbles or båtu, in which contestants throw marbles, coins, discs at a target. Also used at times to refer to a base in games.
- tetseru
- Third.
- tetset
- Third.