- totpe
- Bump (against); collide with; strike; knock; or thump.
- totpidu
- noun. torpedo. Also toropidu.
- totta
- Porch floor--of cement.
- totta
- Deep fried fish or shrimp that has been dipped in batter. Also tempura'.
- tottok
- Cluck--as when the hen calls for her chicks. Also totot, tuktuk.
- toyo'
- Poke; nudge; jog; jostle; jolt.
- tråba
- verb. to tie; bind; twist (rope); entangle.
- tråbådot
- Industrious; energetic.
- tråbådot
- Rope maker; one who makes ropes.
- tråbåhådot
- Industrious; energetic. Also tråbådot.
- tråbiha
- adverb. 1) yet, still (used to indicate time with positive clauses) 2) not yet (used to indicate time with negative clauses) 3) still (on top of that)
Also trabia, todabia
- tråbisåñu
- Transom; a transverse in a structure; the horizontal bar of a cross, gallow, etc. Also åtråbisåñu.
- tråbuka
- Mess; disarrange; dishevel; make a mess; disorder.
- trådisionåt
- Traditional.
- trågon
- Greedy; avaricious.
- tråhi
- Looks; sppearance; suit--of clothes for men.
- tråhoma
- Trachoma.
- traianggo'
- Triangle. (Rota). Also traianggula.
- traidot
- Traitor; unfaithful; treacherous.
- traiduti
- Betray; trick; attack from the rear; break faith with; ambush.
- traision
- Ambush; betrayal; fraud; deception; treason; treachery.
- tråk
- Truck; vehicle.
- tråk guafi
- Fire truck.
- tråk kimason
- Fire truck. Also tråk guafi.
- tråmoha
- Tie down; lash down; knot; secure.
- tråmpas
- Trick; defraud; cheat; dupe; swindle; double cross; deceive by cunning or artifice.
- tråmposu
- Swindler; rogue; crook; cheating; tricking.
- trånka
- Cage; bar--to prevent children from going out a door of house; enclosure; gate; gateway; entrance of fence.
- trånkilu
- Tranquil; peaceful life; calm; undisturbed.
- trånsferi
- Transfer; transport; convey from one place to another. Also tråsfieri.
- trånslåda
- Translate; decode; turn from one language into another; interpret. Also trånsulåda.
- trånsplånta
- Transplant; replant; plant in a new place.
- trånspotta
- Transport; transfer; convey from one place to another. Also tråspotta.
- trånspottåsion
- Transportation.
- tråpåt
- Canvas.
- tråpichi
- Sugar mill; the device used to squeeze the sap of the sugar cane.
- trås
- Besides; moreover.
- tråsfieri
- Transfer; transport; convey from one place to another. Also trånsferi.
- tråskila
- Shave (sideburn); trim lower part of haircut all around.
- tråsoras
- Occasionally. Also åsolas.