- tika
- Make coconut oil; to make oil from coconut by boiling grated coconut meat and filtering the oil.
- tika
- Coconut oil--before it has been separated.
- tiket
- Ticket; citation.
- tilåpia
- Kind of fish. Fresh water fish. Also tålåpia.
- tilentines
- Trinkets, such as shells, beads, sequins used for ornamenting hair or clothes. Also tirentines.
- tilingten
- Clink; ding; tinkle; jingle.
- tilipas
- Intestines; entrails.
- tilipas
- Hose; garden hose.
- timon
- Steer (with a rudder); guide (with a rudder). Rudder.
- timoneru
- noun. steerer; the guide; driver; helmsman (nautical).
- tina
- Barrel (small); keg.
- tinacho'
- Type of sickness, believed to be caused by being stared at while eating. (Rota)
- tinaddong
- Depth.
- tinaga'
- Cut--by heavy object.
- tinaha
- Crock; a container made of clay.
- tinaha
- Unit of measurement (bushel). 12 gåntas.
- tinaichi
- Eternity.
- tinaifondo
- Hell; abyss.
- tinaitai
- Tree--bent by wind and still attched to the land. Also lamasa.
- tinaitai
- Prayer; reading.
- tinake'
- adjective. tarnished; rusted; affected by rust.
- tinaktak
- Type of food--meat dish in which the meat is chopped into small pieces; the process of chopping or mincing meat.
- tinane'
- Busy; become busy; need to go to the toilet; occupied time; preoccupied.
- tinanga
- Craving; desire; longing.
- tinangnga
- Deafness.
- tinanom
- Plant; as in the garden.
- tinaohan
- Aggravate (wound or sore); inflamation. Also tinao'an.
- tinasa
- Pliers; tongs; pincers; tweezers; forceps.
- tinatme
- Contaminated.
- tinayuyot
- Prayer.
- tinekcha'
- Fruit (on a plant); puncture.
- tinemba
- Depression; low spirit.
- tinemtom
- Wisdom.
- tingteng
- Clink; ding; tinkle; jingle.
- Tinian
- Tinian, the island immediately south of Saipan in the Marianas district. Pronounced tini'an.
- tinienta
- Tempted.
- tinifok
- Webbing; woven or braided work.
- tinilada
- Ton. Also tonelada.
- tinilaika
- Alteration; mutation; variation.
- tinina
- Praise; blessing.