- tulaikayon
- Exchangeable.
- tulanoche
- phrase. all night; all night long; all through the night; all evening.
- tuleti
- To row; to propel with two oars.
- tulisan
- Devilish; rascal; hussy; scoundrel; rogue; tricky person; fool; moron.
- tulompo
- noun. spinning top (toy)
verb. to play with a top.
- tulondron
- Congeal.
- tulongtong
- Pound--as hammering or washing clothes; pound against, as in a car going over a bumpy road.
- tulos
- Propel boat--by using a pole.
- tulos
- Pole--for poling a boat; oar.
- tuma'lo
- Return; restore to original size, shape, or condition.
- tumachon pulu
- Bristle, as when an animal's hair bristles when excited.
- tumachu
- To become upright, vertical.
- tumaigånas
- Become nauseated; to lose one's appetite; become sick at stomach.
- tumaiguenao
- Become like that--close to the listener.
- tumaiguihi
- Become like that--away from the listener and speaker
- tumaiguini
- Become like this.
- Tumaiguini
- January. Also Eneru.
- tumåtåtte
- Subsequently; later.
- tumåtes
- Type of plant--desmodium gangeticum. Tomato.
- tumåtes chå'ka
- Type of plant--physalis angulata. Ground cherry.
- tumåtes kaputi
- Type of plant--physalis lanceifolia. Cherry tomato. Also tumåtes hålom tåno'.
- tumåtes ubas
- Type of plant--solanum lycopersicum. Cheery tomato.
- tumåya'
- Despense with; do without.
- tumo'la'
- Spit out; expectorate; eject.
- tumobet
- Automobile; car; sedan; vehicle.
- tumu
- Coloring; dye.
- tumunok
- Descend.
- tun
- noun. Mister; sir--used as respect when addressing an elderly male. Distinct from Ton in speech of some Chamorros (Ton is more formal).
- tuna
- verb. laud; extol; praise highly; compliment.
- tuna
- Type of fish--katsuwonus pelamis. Tuna.
- tunåda
- Tune; tone; sound; dialect.
- tunånte
- Disrespectful; rogue; lewd person.
- tunas
- Straight; erect; upright.
- tunayon
- Praiseworthy; laudable; admirable.
- tungo'
- Know; be acquainted with; have knowledge of; recognize; distinguish; have knowledge.
- tungu'on
- Comprehensible; perceptible; understandable; intelligible; knowable.
- tuniku
- Garment; habit; tunic.
- tunok
- Get down; let down.
- tunu
- Burn; barbeque; scald; broil; grill.
- tupa
- Tear off; knock down; rip; rend; split; cleave; rive; pry; peel off.